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#1 The Blueprint of Social Media

 Blogs. A word I have not heard since Tumblr was at its peak back in 2014. I am not sure what I previously considered a blog to be, but I certainly did not think blogs were still as functioning and popular as they are now. Growing up in the 2000s, blogs were pretty common. It was one of the most common form of socializing on the internet, but with the internet quickly evolving I had missed the era of following specific blogs. Instead I remember Tumblr's version of blogs. If you do not remember that era, it was a social media where you could make a profile and create your version of a blog. With such freedom on a big website people made it really... weird. I mean not all of it was bad but Tumblr blogs will forever be looked back on as a weird time on social media. Blogs as a general though have become something that I am happy to see that has not died or lost traction. In fact, it has only evolved with the internet as well. I have taken interest in so many websites that I never would have categorized as a blog. I guess I do consider them a daily part of my life, with my favorite being HelloGlow

HelloGlow is a beauty blog revolving around natural skin care and routines. It has quickly become one of my favorites not only because of the subject, but the organized layout. It is so easy to navigate and jump around from post to post, it gets too easy to fall into a rabbit hole of reading. It gives a very open and non-intimidating entrance into natural skincare, with recipes and routines being categorized and new posts being part of the front page. Stephanie, the author of HelloGlow, has put her own personality into her writing while still talking to the audience in a mature and technical manner. Her goal of educating and entertaining has definitely come across with the playful but organized layout, with the aesthetically pleasing covers for every post. Overall this is a blog I have grown to love more and more, and it definitely has been an inspiration for styling my own.

A website I really didn't consider a blog is The Huffington Post. Though this is not in my regularly checked websites, it definitely is not one I am unfamiliar with. I have always considered The Huffington Post as a news/gossip outlet, but I never connected it to being considered a blog. The formatting is professional, with hired journalists writing the posts rather than one person, as well as flashy ads as soon as the site loads. The part that sets it aside from the typical news sites is the entertainment sections. The headlines are loaded with opinionated titles and lots of click-bate. While this is not a website I am normally gravitated to, the appeal is definitely there. The organized navigation combined with the professional but down-to-earth construction of their writing pieces can definitely make some read post after post effortlessly. 

This last blog is one that even though I did not consider a blog until researching, is probably my least favorite blog. TMZ is an entertainment blog with the intent of spreading gossip about celebrities and reporting on the latest news in Hollywood. Though I really do not like the subject of this blog, what I like about it the least is the formatting. It is organized but to the point where I find it obnoxious. Ads are everywhere as well as big headlines with obvious click-bate. This is a casual style blog with each post focused more on what is being reported than professionalism. Though intent of each post gets across to the audience, many websites are able to do this more professionally and with a better layout. This is a blog I definitely do not take inspiration from. 

I can't generalize blogs as a whole and say that I love or hate them, but I can say it is a style of website I can appreciate. With so many genres to be talked about by so many different people, it is no wonder how after all these years they evolved and not died out. Reading so many has made me even more eager to grow this blog, I am excited to see how I expand my writing and formatting as this semester progresses. As for right now, I can only hope my blog goes the exact opposite direction as TMZ's blog. 


  1. Hello Miyali, I really liked that first blog you linked. I agree that the layout is very organized. I really liked the minimalistic approach to blogs it looks just super clean and organized. I also want to have my blog designed like that, the layout is just perfect.

  2. I really agree with you when it comes to the formatting style that TMZ had as not being the best. A lot of other websites certainly do a better job at getting their information across with being obnoxious and clickbaity. I also hope my blog can be as far from TMZ's as possible.


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