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All About Me!


    Hi! My name is Miyali Lias (pronounced Mia-lee) but people know me better as Miya. My name is Korean and Hispanic, and to many people, very awkward to pronounce. This school year is my first year attending Glendale Community College, I am a full-time student planning on majoring in Political Science but am also prepared if something changes my path. I am also a cosmetology student at The Studio Academy of Beauty. 

    With my busy schedule its hard to keep up with my interests, but my main ones include cosmetics and spirituality. I spend a lot of time reading my tarot cards, interacting with my crystals, and keeping up with the alignment of the stars and planets. All of it reassures me I am going the right path in life. Another big interest of mine is my music. I absolutely love listening to music and truly appreciating production and lyricism. Some of my favorites at the moment (its always changing) is Lana Del Rey, 21 Savage, Mac Miller, and SZA. 

    My biggest pet peeve is definitely being interrupted when talking. If you try talking over me I can guarantee you I can talk louder than you. Another one is just plain rude people. I try to believe that no one is truly intentionally rude but as someone who has worked 5 jobs in customer service, I'm starting to question that belief.

    My goal at the moment is to keep my scholarship for at least my first year in college, so far I am on track! I know it seems impossible being a full time worker, full time student, and part time trade school student but I refuse to give up without trying. 

    My uniqueness really starts from my name. Once you get to know me, my unique name really starts to fit with my personality. Though the biggest thing that stands out from me would definitely be how much responsibility I have taken on at only 18. Leasing an apartment, working so much and attending two schools is definitely isn't what someone fresh out of high school would normally be worrying about. I know it seems like a lot, and trust me it definitely is, but I just need to focus on the big picture and keep my optimism.

    I am so excited to see my blog grow over time, until next time!

 -Miyali Lias


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