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#10 Where. Is. The. Album.

Image credit So it has been over four years since SZA has released her critically acclaimed album, CTRL . If you remember anything about 2017, you remember every girl and their mama was bumping CTRL . Personally, when I think of 2017, this album floods my memory with each track. CTRL is an album that has left its mark on my generation, but four years later we have been left with only one question. Where is the album? I mean, with so many leaked songs coming out and her performing on live streams, we have been teased endlessly. It has gotten to the point where she is touring while performing her old album! As much as we love CTRL, it is time for something new. We can only cry out our eyes to “ Supermodel ” or “ 20 Something ” so many times. What is delaying this album from coming out?  Although she has not released an album since 2017, she, fortunately, did not pull a Frank Ocean and disappear from the face of the earth. She has dropped a couple singles and soundtracks to various movi
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